Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wipe Inc

Recently, Blizzard implemented the random dungeon finder. Instead of playing with people from your own realm you see everyday and deal with everyday, you are grouped with other players from the same battlegroup as you. Chances are you will never see these people again.

What's that Blizzard? You want me to be an asshole?


Wait. I want to make sure I understand this. You have the anonymity of the internet and an avatar. Then you take us away from our regular population and put us with people we'll probably never see again. Oh and even better - they can't remove me from the group for 15 minutes and if they leave, they get a 15 minute debuff that prevents them from joining another group. This. Is. Awesome.

It's like drive by trolling! What can I possibly do to all these people to piss them off?

Oh right. I'll just wipe them.


Pull six trash packs. Drop group.

Get naked and pull all the Watchers in Heroic Azjol-Nerub. Hell, I don't care if I end up with an 11G repair bill. I just like getting naked so they can see the incoming wipe.

Utgarde Pinnacle is quite possibly the best. The second boss is started by clicking a pedestal but it's also a boss you can skip (sidenote: you can also skip the first boss and people HATE skipping bosses. But hey, I'm a tank, what can they do? If they pull extra shit I just let them die.) so I just tell everyone we're skipping it and to run up to the Skadi gauntlet. When they're all up there, I click the pedestal and run to catch up. By the time Skadi jumps off his drake, one of the adds is inbound and the reactions are usually worth the time spent.

And then the pugs die.

Last night I had a bet with a guild member that I could wipe my group before they wiped their's and wipe it more creatively than MDing a healer. I was disappointed as I queued for a random and saw the Violet Hold loading screen. It's pretty much wipe proof. Then I got the idea. I quickly ran to the starting NPC, waited for people to get past the doorway and started it. Just as the door closed I jumped behind it. The first portal spawned a single mob, they kill it easily enough and someone is bitching that I didn't hold aggro.

How do they not notice I'm not there? Oh well. I guess they deserve the repair bill.

Second portal spawns one mob but this time, one of the DPS dies. Third portal, 3 mobs. I'm calling it out in guild chat.

[G] [The Troll]: DK dead.
[G] [The Troll]: One left group.
[G] [Guild]: lolz
[G] [The Troll]: Healer dead.
[G] [The Troll]: Last DPS dead. Wipe.
[G] [The Troll]: Did I win?

- The Troll

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